Independent Data ManagementVeterans Shelters and Clinics
MissionTracker’s suite of software provides client profiles, case management, bed and resource tracking, and program goals/objectives management for organizations that serve veterans of our Armed Forces. MissionTracker allows you to track your data independently of the HMIS systems used by many communities and continuums of care. This allows you to go deeper into your programming, offer a wider variety of services, or manage your operations more efficiently, while giving you the flexibility to export and share the data and avoid duplicate entry.
In support of your goals to help homeless veterans find affordable housing and re-enter society, we have adapted our tools to capture the data that veterans shelters and transitional housing organizations require.
Veterans data security and privacy is also a top priority. In addition to our already robust data security practices, MissionTracker offers additional HIPAA Compliant features in our ResidentTracker Pro license, to ensure confidentiality and data privacy for your clients/residents, if required or requested.
Track Data Points That Matter
MissionTracker collects all HUD HMIS data points, easily accessible through our trauma-informed intake process, in addition to data specifically geared toward homeless shelters for veterans:
- All required HMIS data
- Bed and meal tracking, including nightly roll call and off-campus pass system
- Education and job training / vocational skills / certifications
- Employment contacts and applications
- VI-SPDAT scores
- Housing and employment history records
- Veteran Status (DD214, VA ID Card, VA Confirmation letter)
- Background check records and sex offender status
- Goals and objectives by program
- Referrals
- Program participation outcomes (completed goals/objectives/outcomes)
- Resources given (meals, food boxes, clothing items, bus tokens, etc.)
- Track incoming donations of food items, gift cards, hygiene items, etc.
- Individual documents
- Drug testing records